Every year there are more and more people suffering from allergies. Allergic diseases are often called the epidemic of the 21st century. Allergies are a serious problem in society. It is important to look for effective solutions both for the prevention and treatment of allergies. Probiotics are the perfect support against allergies.
According to the Polish Society of Allergology, the number of people suffering from allergies doubles every few years. Both children and adults suffer from them.
In an interview for the news agency Newseria Biznes, prof. Marek Jutel from the Medical University of Wrocław, member of the board of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, emphasizes:
„Allergies are a very big problem today due to their high frequency of occurrence. Epidemiological studies from our country (Poland) show that over 40 percent. the general population suffers from some allergic diseases, of which approx. 10% they are more serious ones, such as asthma, atopic dermatitis or severe allergic rhinitis and sinusitis”.
- Probiotics
According to the current definition of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), probiotics – „live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”.
- Allergy
It is an abnormal, overreaction of the body to stimuli or substances called allergens, which are normally not harmful. These factors are recognized by the immune system as potentially dangerous and triggered a response to eliminate them. This leads to inflammation and tissue damage, initiating the disease process.
- Food intolerance
It means hypersensitivity to a specific ingredient or type of food, but is not caused by immunological factors, as is the case with allergies.
- Microbiome
These are all microorganisms that are in our body, both saprophytic, commensal and parasites.
- Dysbiosis
It is a disorder in the gut microbiome. Loss of the balance between individual microorganisms, both in quantity and microbial diversity. Disturbance of the microbial balance causes organism dysfunctions.
Symptoms of allergies
The main symptoms of allergy are:
- Respiratory symptoms: runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, swelling of the mouth and throat
- Eye problems: watery and burning eyes, conjunctiva redness
- Skin problems: itching, hives, eczema
- Gastrointestinal symptoms: abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea
- Cardiovascular problems: pressure drop
- Systemic changes: nausea, fatigue, difficulty concentrating
In the case of a severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis may even develop, which is a direct threat to life.
Long-term allergy symptoms are bothersome and significantly reduce the quality and comfort of life. It is very important to look for effective treatments to prevent and treat allergies.

Dysbiosis and the development of asthma and allergic diseases
Dysbiosis makes our body unable to function properly. The imbalance in the pro-health microbiome adversely affects not only the digestive tract, but also has a direct impact on the immune or nervous system.
Numerous scientific studies show the relationship between dysbiosis and the development of allergic diseases. These studies confirmed incl.:
- Dysbiosis early in life may be associated with a greater risk of developing asthma in the future. Studies of children who developed asthma at school age had less variation in the gut microbiome at 1 month of age. compared with children who do not have asthma.
- Dysbiosis may lead to the development of allergy to food allergens and the appearance of atopic eczema. In children allergic to egg white, significant differences were observed in the composition of the intestinal microbiome early in life compared to children who were not diagnosed with the disease.
The diagram below shows the relationship between dysbiosis and the development of allergic diseases:

Normal microbiome of digestive plays a key role in acquiring immune tolerance to allergens. Therefore, it is very important to supplement the current losses in a pro-healthy microbiome with probiotic bacteria.
Probiotics vs allergy
Scientific studies have shown that probiotic strains:
- hinder the translocation of allergens through the intestinal mucosa – they seal the intestinal epithelium and stabilize the intestinal barrier,
- neutralize antigens in the intestinal lumen and reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes,
- maintain the Th1 / Th2 cytokine balance and develop immune tolerance,
- inhibit the secretion of proallergic Th2 cytokines (e.g. IL-4, IL-5),
- inhibit proallergic reactions in people with atopy.
Not all probiotics are created equal
It is important to be aware that not all probiotics are created equal. Not every probiotic has the same effect and is not effective for all ailments for every patient. The properties of microorganisms contained in probiotics differ, complement each other’s action and are characteristic of only one, strictly defined strain. What does it mean? That probiotic microorganisms are strain-dependent, i.e. each strain has a different, unique, confirmed by research, property and intended use.
In order for a probiotic to work effectively, it is not enough to take probiotics alone, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle. The effectiveness of probiotics depends on the type of diet, food quality and lifestyle.
As probiotic microorganisms have strictly defined properties and interact with each other, it is recommended to choose multi-strain probiotics. Choosing the right quality probiotics is crucial for the proper support of the body.
Check out our website and learn about the liquid multi-strain probiotic – ECO Probiotic Joyly: https://www.living-food.pl/en/produkt/our-brands/joyly/probiotic-dietary-supplement/
More research is needed to understand and explain the mechanisms of action of probiotics. However, numerous studies of probiotics for use in the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases are promising.
What do allergy sufferers think about probiotics?
On the forums, blogs, and websites related to allergies are no strangers to probiotics. Probiotics are used by allergy sufferers to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life. As Ola writes in one of the blogs:
„Probiotics help with allergies, mainly due to the relationship between allergic symptoms and parasites and fungi that live in our intestines. Hence the beneficial effects of good probiotics. Tested on myself and my child with asthma symptoms. We take probiotics and prebiotics every day and they really help!”.
Allergic diseases are a significant and growing problem both in the Polish population and in the world. Effective solutions and methods of preventing and treating allergies are constantly being developed. Probiotics show great potential, both prophylactically and supporting the treatment of allergies.
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- https://instytut-mikroekologii.pl/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Probiotyki-w-profilaktyce-i-leczeniu-chorob.pdf
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- https://www.sanofidlalekarzy.pl/files/1._b._samolinski_f._raciborski_a._lipiec_i_inni_epidemiologia_chorob_alergicznych_w_polsce_ecap_2_0_14_1_0-_1_8_www.elsevier.comlocatealergo.pdf
- https://fidesetratio.com.pl/ojs/index.php/FetR/article/view/313
- https://hpba.pl/na-alergie-probiotyki/