We often do not read articles because it seems that the topic does not concern us. Probiotics? It’s not for me, I don’t take antibiotics! It’s high time to realize that a probiotic should not be associated only with an antibiotic. See for yourself that this topic applies to EVERYONE, including YOU, and find out how probiotics work?

Probiotics – what is it?

According to the current definition of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), probiotics – „live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”. Since they have a positive effect on our health, you should use them and support your body with them!

Probiotics – what is all about?

In order to understand how probiotics work, it is necessary to realize that the human digestive system is lived by microorganisms – both beneficial and harmful. All of these microorganisms are the gut microbiome. It is important to maintain the right amount and differentiation of the individual microorganisms in our body. It is very important for the proper function of the body. 

Dysbiosis is a disorder in the composition of the gut microbiome. It contributes to the loss of the balance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms. As a result, various dysfunctions of the organism arise. Factors influencing the disturbances of the intestinal microbiota are presented in the figure below:

Each and every is exposed to at least one of the factors in our everyday life. Therefore, the need to take probiotics of the right quality applies to virtually everyone. In order for our body to function properly, it is necessary to supplement the current losses of microorganisms in our pro-health microbiome.

Probiotics – be aware!

Probiotics are gaining popularity for a reason. Their multidirectional and very beneficial effect on the human body causes that more and more people use them. The data collected in the chart below shows the number of publications on probiotics in the years 1990-2017:

Source: Mirosława Gałecka, Anna M. Basińska, Anna Bartnicka: Probiotics — implications for family physician. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2018, vol 12, no 5, 170-182.

This chart reflects the growing awareness of consumers about the beneficial effects of probiotics on the human body. At the same time, more and more research is available on both the gut microbiome, probiotic microorganisms and the probiotics. We also know much better how probiotics work. The advancement of knowledge in this field contributes to the fact that the probiotic market is constantly growing and is currently worth many billions of dollars around the world. There are a lot of probiotic products on the market that differ in composition, form (dry, liquid or functional food), indication for use, and quality. You should be aware that not all probiotics on the market are effective.

Probiotics – how they work?

Studies that confirm the beneficial effects of probiotics show that they can be used, among others, in:

  • supporting the treatment of alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,
  • supporting the treatment of type 2 diabetes,
  • supporting the treatment of obesity,
  • supporting the treatment of insulin resistance,
  • supporting the eradication of Helicobacter pylorii,
  • functional disorders of the digestive system,
  • diverticular and haemorrhoidal disease,
  • prevention and support of allergy treatment (also in pregnant women),
  • inflammatory bowel diseases and pouchitis,
  • recurrent respiratory infections,
  • recurrent urogenital infections,
  • supporting the nervous system (psychobiotics),
  • inhibiting the process of carcinogenesis.

How probiotics work? These studies show the enormous potential of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of various ailments. It should be emphasized that many of the published studies still need to be continued and confirmed. However, there are diseases and conditions in which probiotics are indisputably beneficial, and their beneficial effects are beyond doubt. Belong to them:

  • antibiotic therapy,
  • use in the case of premature babies (children born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) and infants with low birth weight (<2500 g),
  • prevention and treatment of diarrhea associated with antibiotic therapy,
  • prevention and treatment of acute infectious diarrhea,
  • relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome,
  • alleviating the symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children.

I want to share with you a fragment of Mrs. Ania’s story to realize how important and crucial it is to choose the right probiotic:

Hello, I want to share my story with you. For 10 years I have suffered from persistent diarrhea, severe abdominal pain and flatulence. Consultations with specialists, numerous tests and kilograms of drugs were my everyday life. The diagnosis finally came: colitis. After starting the proper treatment – anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and minerals, symptoms began to diminish. However, the discomfort and pain in the abdomen all the time remained. Ultimately, the doctor recommended probiotic therapy. I tried various probiotics, those in the form of tablets, capsules, powder to dissolve, those cheaper and more expensive. Unfortunately, the discomfort remained all the time. By accident, while in a pharmacy, I saw Polish probiotics in liquid form on the shelf. They interested me and at home I started looking for information about them. I bought. I have been using it for 3 months and the pain has finally subsided. Now I am a happy woman! Wherever I can, I tell my story and encourage you not to give up in search of relief, in suffering. Anna, 40 years old.

Probiotics in liquid form contain live and active probiotic bacteria that are able to immediately growth and function in the intestinal space. They also contain bioactive postbiotics – organic acids, antioxidants, which additionally support the human body.

Probiotics will not guarantee that we will not get sick at all. However, well-chosen and regularly taken probiotics will guarantee that our body will be better adapted to the conditions of everyday life – busy, stress … And even if we get an infection, the body will be better prepared to fight it. How probiotics work? There is only one answer – EFFECTIVE! Let’s pay attention to the products we choose. The quality and form of a probiotic affects its effectiveness.

Try our liquid probiotics: 


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