Probiotics are known and associated mainly due to their intake during and after antibiotic therapy. Microorganisms contained in probiotic products allow not only to restore and maintain the microbiological balance of the intestines after antibiotic therapy, but also regulate the digestive tract, strengthen the immune system and help maintain the psychophysical balance of the body. There are two different forms of probiotics on the market: DRY and LIQUID, which differ in many aspects.


According to the definition of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, probiotics are live microorganisms which, when administered in an appropriate amount, have a beneficial effect on the health of the host. The minimum number of live probiotic bacteria in the finished product is 106 cfu*/g or ml of the product. Probiotic strains should be marked with both the generic name, the species name and the letter-numeral designation, because the probiotic properties of microorganisms are STAIN-DEPENDENT, i.e. specific to a SINGLE, SPECIFIC STRAIN, and not to the entire species.

Forms of probiotics

Currently, on the food and pharmaceutical market, we observe a large expansion of probiotic products, both in dry form (tablets, capsules, sachets) and in liquid form (probiotic drinks and concentrates, probiotic supplements). Not all manufacturers of probiotic products provide reliable information on their product labels. A consumer who uses a poor-quality probiotic does not feel a beneficial effect on the body, which discourages him from continuing to use probiotics. When we choosing probiotic products, we should be conscious customers. An important aspect when using probiotics is to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and take the probiotic in the form in which it was made. If the probiotic is in the form of a capsule, it should not be opened before consumption because it is a protective element that protects the lyophilized probiotic strains against the conditions in the digestive tract (the action of hydrochloric acid and bile salt).

Dry and liquid probiotic products can be single and multi-strain. Both single- and multi-strain products show effective action, however, the use of MULTI-STRAIN PROBIOTICS causes the interaction of various microorganisms with each other, positively influencing the human body.

The comparison of the most important features of probiotics in liquid and dry form is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparison of properties of probiotic products in liquid and dry form

The POSTBIOTICS present in liquid probiotic products are biofunctional and bioactive extracellular metabolites of probiotic bacteria that have been produced during the long-term cultivation process. This is an undoubted advantage of the liquid form of probiotics. In addition, the use of liquid probiotics allows the maximum use of the bioactive potential of probiotic bacteria strains through their full vitality and biological activity.

The number of probiotic microorganisms declared by the manufacturers is an important indicator but not the most important. The most important thing is the biofunctionality of the probiotic. The number of probiotic microorganisms in probiotics in dry form are usually larger in a daily dose than liquid probiotics. However, probiotics in liquid form are ready for immediate colonization of the intestinal space. This is very important for achieving maximum performance of probiotic. FORM OF PROBIOTIC MATTERS!

* cfu – colony forming unit


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